One example – God, Melo might kill me for telling this story – so Melo had a baby, a beautiful young boy, right? So, Melo never wants to miss workouts. I remember, we were at workouts and it was his fiancĂ©e’s birthday and he told her, “Hey, it’s a spa day for you, I’ll watch the baby.” So he brings the baby to workouts. In between drills, he’d finish the drill and then the baby would start crying. So Melo would take the baby carriage and walk the baby all the way around the basketball court and the baby would stop crying. And then he’ll come back and do a drill. And then if he has to burp the baby or something, he takes out the burping bag and does what he’s got to do, and then comes right back to the court. But it’s nice because I think no one sees that very good, gentle, kind, humble side of Carmelo and that’s why I’m the first to defend him all the time. People don’t see the ba-zillion nice things that he does.
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NEW AS OF June 2009 are four new Carmelo Anthony slideshows. These slideshows have a combined 782 photos! The original 40 static photos remain on the site, but those very same photos have also been loaded into one or two of the slideshows.

The slideshows may be allowed to run, or they may be paused and advanced using the buttons. The buttons are hidden unless you mouseover the lower right corner of the slide area. You can also click through to the Photobucket page where the album that makes up the slideshow is displayed.

Thanks to Photobucket, we have finally been able to meet our objective of having more Carmelo Anthony photos than any other Internet site.

The original postings, which are below the slide shows, are posted as photo sets in blog posts. Each post or, in other words, each photo set, has 20 photos. The photo sets are numbered, starting with number 1. Use the archive on the right to jump to sets you have not seen yet.

In summary, this site is state of the art and has 782 photos of Carmelo Anthony, who in 2003 captured the hearts of millions when he led the Syracuse Orangemen to the NCAA College Basketball Championship.

This page is of an advanced design and may not work from time to time in all browsers. If the slideshows with almost 1,000 pics in them do not load, first try refreshing the page a couple of times. If they still do not load, simply switch to a different browser. Firefox is recommended.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Carmelo Anthony Slideshow #1 of 4

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